Humble Beginnings
Despite his success in the film world, however,Louis soon chose to return to his first love, music.
And in 1973 he went into the studio to record his début album,
modestly entitled "Balbutiements" (Humble Beginnings).
Yet Louis's music career failed to take off immediately.
Indeed, the young singer would have to struggle for several years
before gaining any kind of recognition on the French music scene.
But Louis persevered, returning to the studio in 1975
to record a 2nd album which included a song called "Hold up".
(Ironically enough, Louis's new version of "Hold up",
recorded more than ten years later, would score a major hit
with the French public and the "Hold up" video would also cause
a huge stir in the music world). But for the time being Louis Chédid's
2nd album failed to make any major impact on the French music scene
& after completing the album, Louis went back to earning his living
by writing music for television ads.
Louis Chedid - hold up