This Tuesday we are going to be joining this gig featuring the one half of
Allez-Allez.If you don't know them by now Allez Allez aka Steve Nolan and Sam Willis are two of the most in demand DJs in London's night scene.Their site Offers some of the most interesting sets you can find of the web with people like Hot Chip,Joakim or Lindstrom contributing mixes.This is a brief interview i got from Steve Nolan to get you in the mood.
Steve Nolan Interview For Plaidmusic
1.What was reason that put you into music blogging in the first place?
There was no real master plan. basically when myself and Sam started dj-ing together we started a regular party at London. we had quite a low profile within London so we thought a good way to grab some attention would be to publish short dj mixes the week of the party - like a kind of audio flyer. we didn't really think of it as blogging as such - if you look back at those early posts there is very little writing - we saw it as just another way to promote ourselves. then Sam got hold of an amazing mix George demure had done and thought it would be a good idea for us to host it on the site - kind of like a guest dj. the response was pretty good so we decided to have regular guests at the site. when the regular party come to a somewhat impromptu end the website basically became our "residency" where you could hear our dj-ing alongside guest djs.
2.With the music blog section being quite overpopulated lately,do you think there is a good way of standing out of the crowd?
I think all you can do is just believe in the stuff you put up on there and make it expression of your personality and hopefully like minding people will find it. there's no pressure from advertisers (or at least there shouldn't be) so we really have a free reign to do exactly what you want.
3.Dance music,always finds finds many forms to be reincarnated.Disco and it's sub products have proven to be a good chance for many people renewing their interest in dance music again after a period where techno and house got boring as hell,but with the hype soaring pretty high the last few years,do you think that this is something to hold on to?What's the next step?
It is good that disco has been taken off the naughty step and is now recognized as such an important part of the history of dance music and more importantly that some of it is simply brilliant music. i've never really been good at spotting trends - i just tend to buy and play music that makes me stand up and pay attention in one way or another regardless of genre or age - but if i were a betting man i'd say its time noseflute techno had its time in the sun.
4.Cutting and chopping obscure disco cuts on your ableton software has been so fashionable lately that the record market is experiencing a serious lack of original releases.Do you think that with almost everyone putting out out his editing efforts on vinyl no matter how appealing they might be can be a real threat to the music scene?Do we really need a music market that consists mainly of extended versions of lost classics?
There probably is too much of this stuff being released but that argument can be extended to music in general. The stuff that is good (Todd terje' stuff, Pilooski, Betty Botox) can be really good. As long as people are doing interesting things with interesting records i think there is value in the form. Also re-editing can be a good exercise for producers in learning the dynamics of constructing a tune so hopefully the re-editers of today can be become the original producers of tomorrow/ Plus if its getting people into shops buying records then it can't be all bad.
5.Name some records that got you going trough 2008?
The new Brian Eno & David Byrne album was hugely disappointing with the exceptions of Strange Overtones which was glorious and one of my favourite tunes of the year. I loved Matias Aguayo's Minimal and fell in love with the delightfully bouncy P.O.P. by Haruki Matsuo. The record i played most though was probably Spirit's Twelve Dreams Of Dr Sanrdonicus - i may be entering my hippy stage.
6.Vinyl has managed to be the center of attention again.Do
you think that the web has been on of the reasons that got people into records again?
It seems to me that vinyl is having a pretty hard time of it at the moment. we both use laptops to dj and don't buy anywhere as much vinyl as we used to (though of course do still pay for music) so i guess we're part of the problem. serato and traktor scratch are becoming more and more prevelant which presents a big challenge to vinyl's survival as it combines the fun part of playing with records with the convenience of digital dj-ing and the other create opportunities the sotware provides.
But having said that its proven itself to be a tenacious format and i think it will survive. i can see it getting more and more expensive though.
I generally take inspiration from people who have doggedly ploughed their own furrow regardless of the financial rewards. My bank manager doesn't share this view.
8.Is there a a record that has got your fingers really dusty searching for it but is still not sitting among your record collection?
Far too many to mention. But then that's part of where the fun lies
9.Name five things that someone should know about you.
I've recently started dancing like my father.
I can cook a mean carbonara but that's about it.
I love karaoke.
Somewhere on the internet there is a music video where you can see my phenomenal "acting" talents.
I like listening to Hall and Oates when jogging as it makes me feel like I'm in a training montage from an 80's film.