Meltemi is a strong northern wind that blows every August round the Aegean sea.Im back from the Aegean in a city that resembles an inferno.The meltemi winds didn't show up this year at our usual rendezvous.For me that's a bad sign.But maybe they are just a little late.Maybe something happened on the way.The nights this summer lacked this frisky coolness that made you wrap up in your sweater to look for cover.My field of dreams was a bit hotter this year but nevertheless every single holiday i spent in the Aegean is a reason to fill my cabinet of memories with even more unique moments.This is a mix i made before leaving for my holidays.It kept me good company during the small hours.My friends were complaining it's not dance mix and that it sent them to sleep.Maybe they were right.Since my camera broke down and i have no photos to post from my holidays maybe this mix is the best way to show you some images from those times.Even if it sends you to sleep im sure it will be a very sweet one full of surreal dreams about a lady dressed in blue calling you to join her in an aquatic kingdom where life is eternal.